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How did you find out about camps at Dinosaur Ridge?(Check all that apply)
Please rate the importance of the following in your decision to choose a Dinosaur Ridge camp for your child.
How much of an increase in curiosity/wonder about paleontology/geology/nature do you feel your camper showed after attending?
How successful do you feel the camp leaders were in engaging your camper in "being a scientist?"
Which of the following camp options would you be interested in at Dinosaur Ridge?
How satisfied are you with your child's camp leader(s)?
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Please rate the quality of the information exchange and communications during the registration process.
Were there any other factors important to you in choosing Dinosaur Ridge?
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What activities did your camper(s) seem to enjoy the most?
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What science concepts and/or new ideas did your camper(s) tell you they learned?
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Do you have suggestions for improving camp?
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Do you have any other feedback to share with us?
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