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How did you find out about TriceraToTs?Check all that apply.
Which TriceraTOTs event did you attened?
Pease rate your overall experience with the TriceraTots program you participated in:
Was the presentation age-appropriate (PreK-Kindergarten) and engaging?
Did your child experience an increase in curiosity/wonder about dinosaurs and/or science after attending?
Please rate the likelihood that you will join us for TriceraTots again.
How likely are you to recommend TriceraTots to people you know?
Would you like to receive our newsletter?(If yes, please add your email address below)
Would you be interested in volunteering with Dinosaur Ridge?(If yes, please include your email address below)
Do you have any other feedback to share with us? (If you'd like to be contacted about your survey, please include your email address below)
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Are there any dinosaur or science topics or crafts you'd like us to explore for a future program?
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