Board, Founders & Track ID Team

A Tribute to Dr. Martin Lockley

Watch a moving and beautifully produced short video tribute to the late paleontologist Dr. Martin Lockley who passed away on November 25, 2023. This video was produced by the Korean Broadcasting System using excerpts from an award-winning documentary KBS created in 2022 featuring Dr. Lockley at various fossil tracksites including Dinosaur Ridge.

Our deepest appreciation to Dr. Jong-Deock LIM (Paleontologist and long-time friend and colleague of Dr. Lockley’s) and Mr. Kwang-Rok LEE & Ms. Narun JO (Korean Broadcasting System) for permission to share this wonderful tribute to our mutual friend.

Please enjoy this PDF for download–Vertebrate Paleoichnology: a tribute to Martin Lockley–provided by the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science:

Dinosaur Ridge Board of Directors

Group photo of 2025 Board of Directors

Pictured left to right: Matt Morgan, Donna Anderson, Rob Payo, Toby Click, Laura Cunitz, Tessa Sorensen, Jonna Gentry, Lorraine Alcott, Alvaro Rojas, Bill Savage, Dennis Gertenbach, Cindy Matthews (Not pictured: Trey Harrison)

Lorraine Alcott (Chair): Retired Geologist, active volunteer*

Donna Anderson, PhD: Sedimentary Geologist, author, affilliate faculty Colorado School of Mines*

Toby Click: Science & Museum communications specialist

Laura Cunitz: Auditor & Consultant, active volunteer

Jonna Gentry: Retired science teacher

Dennis Gertenbach PhD: Retired Manager Hazen Research, chemical and petroleum refining engineering CSM

Trey Harrison (Board Treasurer): Portfolio manager, Assistant Vice President, U.S. Bank*

Cindy Matthews: Dir. of Communications, Colorado Gives Foundation

Matt Morgan: State Geologist and Director of Colorado Geological Survey

Rob Payo: Senior Education Designer, UCAR Center for Science Education

Alvaro Rojas: Technologist, Lumen Technologies, bi-lingual volunteer

Bill Savage: Retired Managing Director, NITEC LLC

Tessa Sorensen: Energy Liaison, CDPHE, Petroleum Geologist


*Executive Committee

Want to Serve on a Committee?

If you’re interested in getting more involved with Friends of Dinosaur Ridge at a strategic level, please contact Jeff Lamontagne.


  • Development & Marketing Committee: tba (Chair)
  • Diversity Committee: tba (Chair)
  • Education Committee: tba (Chair)
  • Finance Committee: Trey Harrison (Chair)
  • Governance Committee: tba (Board Liaison)
  • Master Planning Committee: Lorraine Alcott (Chair)
  • Preservation Committee: tba (Chair)
Photo of Caldwell Buntin, Neffra Matthews, Brent Breithaupt, and Paul Murphey at Dinosaur Ridge.

Track ID Team

Dinosaur Ridge now has a team of ten to call on in the case of suspected new trace fossil finds. These experienced professionals stand ready to help verify and interpret tracks within the Morrison-Golden Fossil Areas National Natural Landmark and specimens brought to us by members of the public.

From left to right: Caldwell Buntin, PhD (Paleontology), Neffra Matthews (Retired Geographer/Photogrammetrist with Bureau of Land Management), Brent Breithaupt, PhD (BLM Regional Director, Wyoming), and Paul Murphey PhD (Mitigation Paleontologist)

Not pictured:

Amy Atwater (FODR Director of Paleontology)

Erin LaCount (FODR Director of Education Programs)

Amanda Rea (FODR Director of Camp and Collections)

Marcello Toscanini (FODR Tour Guide and Paleo student)

Jerry Harris (Retired Director of Paleontology, Utah Tech University)

Dr. Christian Meyer (University of Basel & Museo de Historia Natural Alcide d’Orbigny, Switzerland)

Advisory Board

The Dinosaur Ridge Advisory Board is a group of subject field experts that relate to our mission. They are leaders in their fields and have demonstrated their commitment to our organization and/or mission. We turn to them for periodic advice and review of our programmatic work.

  • Brent Breithaupt, PhD, Curator/Director, University of Wyoming Geological Museum (Retired)
  • Joan Chavez-Lee, Principal (multiple schools) and teacher (multiple schools) in Jefferson County, Colorado (Retired)
  • Tyler R. Lyson, Senior Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology, Denver Museum of Nature & Science
  • Neffra Matthews, Prehistoric Impressions; retired Geographer, Bureau of Land Management
  • Linda Morris, Elementary Science Coordinator, Denver Public Schools; Elementary Science Specialist, Jefferson County Public Schools (Retired)
  • Matthew Mossbrucker, Executive Director, Morrison Natural History Museum
  • Nicole Peavey, PhD, Staff Paleontologist, Colorado Department of Transportation
  • Bob Raynolds, PhD, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Geologist/Research Associate
  • Kermit Shields, Geologist and former Dinosaur Ridge Board Director from 2006-21
  • Joe Tempel, Co-Founder and First Executive Director, Friends of Dinosaur Ridge (Retired)
  • Beth Simmons, PhD, Paleontologist (Retired); former Secretary of Friends of Dinosaur Ridge
  • Louis H. Taylor, PhD, Vertebrate Paleontologist/Geologist, Past FODR Board President
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