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Name of Program
Please rate your overall experience with your tour/program at Dinosaur Ridge.
Do you feel your students showed an increase in their curiosity and wonder for paleontology and geology after their tour/program?
Was the content of the tour age-appropriate for your students?
Was the tour aligned with the science standards/topics that you have taught or will be teaching your students in the classroom?
Did your volunteer tour guide use techniques to engage your students in "being scientists?" (For example, did they ask the group to observe, ask questions, predict and share ideas, as well as use tools and/or their senses)?
Would you say that the techniques the guide used were successful?
Please rate the quality of the information exchange and communications during the pre-trip registration and planning process.
How did you hear about our programs?
Optional comments about overall trip quality.
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Optional comments on tour content.
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Optional comments on teaching and science quality.
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Optional comments on pre-trip info and registration.
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Please share with us any way in which you feel that your group's trip could have been improved.
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